
I am an 18 year old female in a Long Distance Relationship, and I have decided to write about it in a way that explores any issues that me and my boyfriend may come across, and what we may do to overcome these issues.  I will write a lot about sexual experiences, and will occassionally get soppy 🙂

The reason I have decided to write about my experiences in this relationship is because it is my first relationship.  I met my boyfriend for the first time in January after talking for a month on Tinder, and when I realised it was going to be Long Distance I instantly started to do my research on it, and found a lot of negative things in regards to Long Distance Relationships, which left me disheartened.  However, I decided that I will talk about my experiences with anyone willing to read my clumsily put together posts, because I am a real person learning as I go, and perhaps people will relate to this better.

Not all that I write will be nice and positive: every relationship has its ups and downs. I’ll try and make a nice balance, but I can’t promise anything.  I can rant about things negative because I’m quite…ranty when I’m angry and frustrated.  Unfortunately I get annoyed easily XD

Also, my relationship has just gone seven months, so I’m especially happy right now.

If anyone has any questions regarding Long Distance Relationships, or would like me to write a post on a certain aspect of Long Distance Relationships, let me know 🙂 I would not mind learning of others interests in this, and would be happy to help if people would like me to.

So this is me.  Ulalume Poe; learning as she goes XD

One thought on “About

  1. Enjoy my take on relationship stuff at several places: website beingheardnow.com; website coupleswhotalk.com; fb kathe skinner, relationship coach, marriage and family therapist

    Let me know what you think; I’d be delighted to hear your take on relationship!

    Really glad you liked my post so I got to find you!

    Have a great week!!

    Liked by 1 person

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